Alright, where do we start?

“You Are Loved. You Are Valued. You Are Enough!”

This is the truth about my identity and yours! Before you scroll away, say these three phrases to yourself.

Let’s start with a few reminders:

I thought to mention these in advance, so you keep them at the fore as you get to know me.

“For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live]”. – Ephesians 2:10 (AMPC)

My Expressions

As a writer

The goal is to share God’s word with you because I believe that it is the most transformative power on this side of eternity. His word heals, inspires, empowers, and transforms us!

Writing has always been something I liked to do and desired to do, but never thought I was good enough to share with others. Little did I know that this was a gift God had given me, and more so that there was so much in store for me by obeying Him.

I started writing “Growing Together with C.I” during the COVID lockdown in 2020. I was growing in my walk with God and simply thought to share my insights with others who were in similar seasons like me. I was uncertain about who would read the blog, how it would be received and what I would write each week but I took the plunge. Looking back, I’m glad I did! Writing has deepened my understanding of God, improved my ability to communicate my thoughts, helped me share my learnings with people through my platform & others, blessed me with new friends, and helped me be a blessing to others. It’s been such a rewarding experience.

Are you thinking about venturing out to do something God has put on your heart? Are you interested in deepening your connection with God? Take the leap! He is always there to help you and we are here to cheer you on.

Join our family by subscribing to the blog, the newsletter, the podcast – or all three! There’s room and resources for you here

We believe that love heals, knowledge empowers, stories inspire, and light transforms and you can find all that and more here in our community.

As a consultant

As the Lead Consultant at Advance Co; we work with micro, small & medium-scale entrepreneurs to establish sustainable structures, scale their businesses and achieve long-term profitability. We partner with them to articulate their vision, map their strategy, and provide the required strategic guidance/ support as they implement and execute for success. We tailor our engagements to our client’s needs through respective touchpoints.

To know me is to know this: