Hi there,

I’m Chimamaka Ige!

I'm a chid of God I'm a Strategy Consultant I'm Writer, Speaker, Podcaster I'm a Wife & Mum

You are Loved. You are Valued. You Are Enough!

Welcome to a safe space where you are reminded of God’s love and find encouragement, hope and resources to build your faith in God irrespective of life’s challenges.

It is such a delight to have you here!

My mission is to heal, empower, inspire, and transform people and organizations through my words and I do this by God’s grace through my respective expressions.

Irrespective of where you are in your life right now, and what you are going through or have gone through; please rest assured that God loves you. You are imprinted on His palms and you are His concern (Isaiah 49:16).

My Expressions

Growing Together with C.I

Through the GTCI blog and podcast, we share practical wisdom and insights from God’s word to help you grow in your intimacy with God irrespective of how busy you are.

We believe that love heals, knowledge empowers, stories inspire, and light transforms and you can find all that and more here in our community.

Advance Consulting

We work with micro, small and medium-scale entrepreneurs to start, structure and scale profitably.

Through our respective touchpoints, we work with businesses to clarify their value proposition and build business models in a coherent, profitable, and sustainable manner. At Advance, we believe that you can start small, grow, and thrive. Ready to leap?

Resources by

Whether you’re seeking insights, tools, or guidance, i’ve got you covered.

Read Inspiring Thoughts on my Blog



Hi folks! How are you doing? Honestly, I miss writing to you frequently. I’m trusting God for grace to manage my ever-blossoming schedule and priorities and return…

Hello, 2022

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii family! Can you hear the excitement in my voice? Oh my; I’m super excited to be writing to you after such a long season away. I’ve…

Times & Seasons

Hello family! How are you doing? I do hope you had a love and joy-filled Christmas season and got some much-needed rest after such an intense year.…