
Hi folks, I trust you and yours are keeping well and safe in these COVIDIAN times!

As I write this, the world has been ravaged by the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and we’ve seen life as we know it altered and global economies struggle to stay afloat. As if Covid hadn’t changed life as we know it enough, the news is filled with the news of protests due to repeated cases of race-induced police brutality in the United States; and here at home in Nigeria, it’s violence against women with rape reports everywhere. It’s tiring but we keep praying and speaking up against violence and racism within our circles of influence.

Our discussion today is really a question; “Are You Bandaged?”

I reckon your response is “no” and this isn’t to argue with you. I’m just here to share my story, some information shared by some experts and allow you reflect. A couple of years ago, I finally admitted that I had become very insecure, distrusting, and afraid. I was consistently anxious about things, low-key waiting for something bad to happen, expecting to be disappointed and hurt, and even preparing myself to respond when these things happened. Gosh! It was a crazy season and I don’t even know how I lived like that now that I think of it because I must have been stressed out, on the edge and tired all the time. I say ‘admitted’ because while God was highlighting it in my heart; it took me some time to accept. Honestly, the Holy Spirit had to knock me down for me to admit.

Before this time, I had experienced a series of traumatic experiences – from a movie-like break-in resulting in the loss of a close family member, the police drama that followed; roller coaster health issues with another family member, being temporarily homeless and living with friends and a hotel; close ranged theft with our clothes in the car, a chain of unhealthy and toxic relationships, emotional hurts, deep disappointments and letdowns particularly from those I held in very high regard, and so on. Let’s just say at the time, my life seemed like a series of unfortunate events, and I was “justified” to have those negative emotions. Sometimes, the bondage could be age-long negative belief systems, we’ll discuss that some other time.

Despite all that, God’s plan for me wasn’t to stay in that place of pain and negative emotions; His plan was for it to trigger my growth in our relationship – to strengthen and develop my character. While some may argue there could have been easier ways to achieve this, this relationship is between me and Him. I can look back now and think of His goodness; and that’s all that matters. Irrespective of what we may have gone through, God’s will for us is perfect. [3 John 1:2; Jeremiah 29:11]

God wanted me healed and made whole; so, he was spotlighting these negative emotions but the naughty girl that I was, kept holding on. Healing is a two-way street; you must want healing to get it. Just like when you have a physiological illness, if you refuse to admit you’re ill despite having all the symptoms, and you do nothing – don’t seek medical advice, go in to the hospital, take medication and treatment advised, change your lifestyle, etc.; you’re going to remain ill for a very long time; and it’s likely going to get worse as time goes on. Here I was feeling justified to have negative emotions, whereas God was calling me to a life of health and wholeness. As time went on, it became obvious even to me that these emotions were eating away at opportunities for deep connections with people and I was living below God’s best for me. There is a time for everything; and that was the time for my healing. [Ecclesiastes 3:3]

Are you like the old me pretending that all is well? Living in denial of the struggles going on in your closet and weeping alone due to the overwhelming sense of loneliness, pain and sorrow that comes over you frequently? You’re not alone and there is help readily available. It is time for healing and God is right there.

Yes, He is exactly where you are at – in the middle of the sea without a lifeboat, oar, buoy or life jacket, arms open wide, and waiting to heal you. Just picture that! Such a glorious image of an ever-loving Father! Dear friend, God is not only interested in your healing; He is interested in your health and wholeness. Even, if you had dealt with these emotions and they suddenly rear their heads again; remember you’ve been healed – brandish your discharge certificate and enforce your victory.

Healing is accessible, just:

  • Come to God in prayer and humility, open up about how you feel and ask Him to heal you. Spend time with Him, there is “fullness of joy” there!
  • Ask for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. He is the one that causes the fruit of the Spirit to grow in your life. Isn’t it interesting that, the fruit of the Spirit are all emotions? [Galatians 5:22] God is so intentional!
  • Seek help – e.g. go for counselling, see a therapist if needed, etc. This isn’t weakness. Strength is knowing your limitations and reaching out for help and support.
  • Stock up on the Word of God! I can’t overemphasize this enough. Read books (Joyce Meyer has so much on this subject), listen to messages on healing, podcasts, do devotionals on You Version, etc. God’s word is quick, active, and sharp enough to do the required transformational work. [Hebrews 4:12; Jeremiah 15:16]
  • Develop healthy relationships and involve yourself in healthy communities. I am a living proof of the transformative power of healthy associations. They show you what is possible and the love you receive just heals you without you even knowing. It’s incredible!

Don’t cheat yourself out of the glorious inheritance you have in Christ by housing negative emotions. Send them packing and access His healing. A bandage is only a temporary support; why make it your garment. Refuse to live supported, live FREE!

Verse to Ponder: 1 Peter 5:7

Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.

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3 Responses

  1. I really loved this. Bandage is only temporary and the hardest bandage to see is the internal one, and then it’s the most important. Thanks for giving steps on how to get the proper healing. I love how you related it to getting help when ill because truly that’s what it is. I am glad you overcame and you’re whole that you can share with us. Lovely read.

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