Hi people! How are you doing? I apologize for missing our date last Sunday. It’s been a demanding couple of days for me, but I remain committed to stewarding this assignment by His grace. I am thankful to God for His grace and for my incredible support system – who truly support me. You guys […]


Hiya! How are you doing? How are you preparing for the Christmas holiday? Are you planning to have a quiet holiday season, planning to spend some time visiting with friends and family, planning on hitting the social scenes, or will it be a little bit of everything? Whatever you have planned, please remember that Jesus […]

Seed, TIME, Harvest!

Hi hiiiii! Hi people, how are you doing? I hope last week was good and you’ve come into this new week with gusto, energy, and a positive outlook ready to smash your goals. The last two weeks have been quite busy for me but not in an overwhelming manner. It’s been a creative stretch with […]

Growth Pangs

Hey guys! How are you doing? I know you may be tempted to immediately answer, “I’m okay, I’m doing well, fine, good, etc.”; but please don’t. I request that you truly ask yourself that question and assess your emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial state. If you’re struggling in an area, then please reach out to […]

Your Dreams Are Valid.

Hi blog-fam! I just want to say thank you for this past week. Thank you for reading as usual, the likes, sharing with your community, your comments here and on our Instagram page, and so on. You guys are the best and I’m so blessed to have you in my corner. I know you’ve seen […]