Hello, 2022
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii family! Can you hear the excitement in my voice? Oh my; I’m super excited to be writing to you after such a long season away. I’ve missed sharing my thoughts and musings with you. How has 2022 been for you? Please write back and share with me. I look forward to hearing about your […]
WAIT! A Biblical Guide to Dealing with Overwhelm
Hi family! How are you all doing? How is life in your time zone, country, city, community or wherever you are reading this from? I didn’t write last week so I missed celebrating the amazing fathers out there. Happy Father’s Day to the silent superheroes, whose praises are not sung as often as us mothers. […]
The Journey to True Wealth!
Hi family! I hope you’re doing great and last week was good for you? Here in Lagos, Nigeria; the traffic on Wednesday and Thursday was nerve racking! Gosh! You know the type where you start out impatient, then upset, then angry, then frustrated, then tired, and then, exhausted. At the end, you become sober and […]
Proverbs 23: Lessons on Self-Restraint.
Hi fam! I hope last week went well for you. As you start out this week, I pray the Lord leads you and guides you in the way that you should go. I pray that you enjoy grace and favour in Jesus’ name. Amen! I was privileged to write this during a 30-day Bible study […]
Hi people! How are you doing? I apologize for missing our date last Sunday. It’s been a demanding couple of days for me, but I remain committed to stewarding this assignment by His grace. I am thankful to God for His grace and for my incredible support system – who truly support me. You guys […]
Hello my people!! How are you all doing? I missed you, did you miss me? I’m sorry I couldn’t write to you last week. It’s not because you aren’t important or I didn’t have what to say, but life happened. I’m sure you know how important you are to me; however, I’ll say it again, […]
Trust Your Process
Hi people! Happy new month! I realized that I didn’t say that in my last post; forgive me! Better late than never, right? I pray that November brings us good news, new opportunities, and new ideas for 2021. Though we’re less than 60 days away from the new year, God is still able to do […]
Dear Employee: Lessons in Stewardship
Hello people of the world! How has July been for you? I do hope it’s better than the first half of the year. Irrespective of where you are and what you’ve been through – don’t give up! It will only get better! Don’t lose hope, don’t lose faith, we will scale through this pandemic and […]