Hi there, friends.
We are still celebrating International Women’s Day (IWD 2021) all through this month; so happy IWD to every lady reading this. This year’s theme is #ChooseToChallenge and like I shared on Instagram last week, I choose to challenge every narrative, agency, belief system, industry, and culture promoting the narrative that women are in some way incapable of certain things. I tell you without a doubt, dear woman that ‘you are loved, valued and enough’. You’re loved beyond your flaws, valued beyond your achievements, and more than enough to chase and achieve your big wild dreams. You have permission to fly from God. You were perfectly and purposefully built (Genesis 2:22 AMPC), so girl, go in this strength and conquer new territories. You are capacitated for good success and can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13); so, go take those mountains and hoist His flag.
Alright then! Let’s get talking!
Today, our Bible study is about a man. A man who supported His woman because He could see God’s agenda. I LOVE IT! This gentleman is a character from Scripture who I think has been somewhat overlooked. Yes, He wasn’t the biological father of this child, but beyond biology; His character shows us a prototype of one completely yielded to God. Drumroll!!! Introducing to you, Mr. Joseph – the Carpenter.
Our text for today is Matthew 1: 18 – 25 (AMPC).
This portion of Scripture opens with us being told about Mary, who had become pregnant by the power of God. In simple terms, she didn’t have sex with anyone but was impregnated supernaturally. I know it is mind boggling trying to make sense of it, but hey, that’s what the word of God expressly says. Now, at this time Mary was already engaged to be married to her beloved Joseph; before she was ‘found’ to be pregnant. We don’t know who found out and spread the gist, but apparently it was known that good girl Mary was now pregnant! Well, we can assume she was already experiencing some first-trimester pregnancy blues; but I can’t imagine how embarrassed and ashamed Joseph must have felt. His beloved pregnant for another? And the ‘another’ wasn’t even human? How was he supposed to process, deal, or even compete with that? Sigh!
The next verse tells us that, Joseph “being a just and upright man and not willing to expose her publicly and to shame and disgrace her, decided to repudiate and dismiss (divorce) her quietly and secretly”. Bless his kind heart. Despite the scandal, the Bible describes Joseph as “just, upright and full of integrity”. He decided for a quiet annulment of their engagement – a kind, save-face, culturally acceptable, and morally sound thing to do. Mind made up, he retires to bed, and…
“Behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, descendant of David, do not be afraid to take Mary [as] your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of (from, out of) the Holy Spirit. She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus [the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Saviour], for He will save His people from their sins [that is, prevent them from failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is God]”.
An angel of God shows up! He instructs Joseph on next steps. First, to marry Mary, the lady who had brought him shame; and then, name the child of scandal a specific name. WOW! This must have been a lot for just Joe! It seemed like he was a pawn in a divine chess game. He was to marry this girl and then name the child that wasn’t his by a name he hadn’t picked out? He wasn’t even going to have a say in anything. In a few seconds, despite his misgivings, he was to go from being the aggrieved engaged bachelor to the predestined husband and father, in one night. Would he even be the main character in any scene of this saga at all? What would Joseph do? *suspenseful music*
“Then Joseph, being aroused from his sleep, did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him: he took [her to his side as] his wife. But he had no union with her as her husband until she had borne her firstborn Son; and he called His name Jesus”.
What? What a guy! Look at his response!
He doesn’t argue, murmur, quarrel, try to debate what had been spoken to him, nope! He just obeyed. Simple as that! We can see that immediately Joseph realized God was at work in this story, nothing else mattered. He dropped his ego, pride, opinion, shame, and all – to focus on God’s will. As instructed, he went ahead to marry Mary. I imagine that one or two people in his family must have had something to say, but He did it anyway. God’s instruction birthed in him an unshakable conviction.
He didn’t stop there. No, no, no! He did not consummate their marriage until she had given birth to this child. WOW! Now, the Bible doesn’t tell us the angel gave him this instruction in his dream, but he did anyway. Joseph was willing to deny himself his due pleasure as a husband, to nurture and see God’s will fulfilled. This must not have been easy, with Mary’s pregnancy glow and probably sleeping beside her each night; but he was focused on eternity, and not his own present pleasure.
It gets better. He went ahead to christen the child, ‘Jesus’ – exactly as instructed. He didn’t doubt like his in-law, Zechariah the priest (see Luke 1:18-20). I mean, he could have chosen a name from any of his forefathers as spelt out in Matthew 1:1-16, but no, he stuck to what was instructed.
Joseph wasn’t just obedient before the birth of the divine child. No, it was his lifestyle. He was yielded to God. As we read on in Matthew 2 (see verses 13&19); we see Joseph spoken to again by an angel of the Lord. He was given specific instructions on what to do to secure his wife and son, and for every time, He acted promptly. No delay, no contemplation, just obedience.
Joseph isn’t just a character to overlook, he is a prototype of a person submitted to God. He discerns the Lord’s voice, walks with Him, can deny himself physical pleasures for the fulfilment of God’s plan and purpose, will despise popular opinion to promptly obey God’s instruction, understands God’s word and speaks in alignment with God’s revelation, and is led by the Spirit of God. What a man! What a model of faith and obedience!
I pray that the Lord helps us to completely yield [surrender, bow, concede] to Him as we continue our lives’ journeys. I pray that like Joseph, we allow the Master weave incredulous stories of grace and fashion our lives to reflect His glory.
P.S: Happy Mothering Sunday!!!!
Never forget;