Pressure to Prove: Living Free, Aligned & In Peace

Hi friends, I trust February has been a great month for you, and you have come into a deeper understanding of God, His love, and His word. Remember, the Growing Together with C.I podcast is available on your favorite apps – Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, Anchor FM, Spotify, etc. There are great and insightful content […]


Hello my people!! How are you all doing? I missed you, did you miss me?  I’m sorry I couldn’t write to you last week. It’s not because you aren’t important or I didn’t have what to say, but life happened. I’m sure you know how important you are to me; however, I’ll say it again, […]


Helloooooo! How are you???? (In my sing-along voice). As I type these words, I’m reminded of a Nigerian song with the exact same lyrics but that’s not what I’m singing oh. I’m just excitedly sounding out my words because it gives me great delight to write to you each week. How was last week for […]

Who’s in Your Pack?

Hi people! How are you doing? I trust the month of January has been a good one for you. Alas, we are one week away from February; believe it or not, January sped by with wind in its sails. I hope you’ve started to work towards your goals and plans for the year. This year, […]

Seed, TIME, Harvest!

Hi hiiiii! Hi people, how are you doing? I hope last week was good and you’ve come into this new week with gusto, energy, and a positive outlook ready to smash your goals. The last two weeks have been quite busy for me but not in an overwhelming manner. It’s been a creative stretch with […]

Growth Pangs

Hey guys! How are you doing? I know you may be tempted to immediately answer, “I’m okay, I’m doing well, fine, good, etc.”; but please don’t. I request that you truly ask yourself that question and assess your emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial state. If you’re struggling in an area, then please reach out to […]